PHProjekt Installation - F A Q

Q: The system seems to hang but no error message appears!
A: Uncomment the line error_reporting(0); in the index.php and, you may get several warnings or error messages. Please post the message in the forum on the homepage.

Q: Everything went perfect but I can't log in with root/root.
Or: I created a new user but I cannot login with his combination!
A: Look into the config: if the variable $login_kurz
=0, use the last name (field 'nachname' in the database)
=1 use the short name (kurz)
=2 use the login name (loginname)
together with the password should work.

Q: I have downloaded the zip file and extracted but where is this config file?
A: Did you already run setup.php? This will install PHProjekt on your system and write the configuration file.

Q: After choosing the setup type (installation), language and db type on the first screen, I don't see any words on the next screen!
A: This behaviour could have vaious reasons:
- the script tries to connect at this moment to the database - but if the db support misses, the script crashes
- The script fails to include the file for the chosen language.
Extend the include paths for the variable 'include_path' in the php.ini.
(or leave the value blank)
Another hint from a user: the variable magic_quotes_gpc in the php.ini must be set to 'on'

Q: The setup is done but it tells me that it still misses the file
A: The webserver did not have the right to write this file at the end of the setup routine. chmod 777 for the directory, delete all tables and try again.

Q: I want to use the ldap access. What do I have to do?
A: First of all you have to have the ldap extensions of PHP activated. Then the checkbox in the setup appears. After this you have to:
- Activate LDAP by setting the LDAP-field in setup.php to 1.
- Edit ldapconf.php according to your needs.
(You can create as many ldap-configurations as you want to, you just have to copy the configuration array and increase its index number by one -e.g. change the index to '2' for the 2nd configuration).
-Create your new users by choosing 'create user' in the admin module.
You have to select one LDAP-configuration and to enter user-data that can't be retrieved via LDAP. The loginname has to be equivalent to the LDAP UID
(you can change this in ldapconf.php by changing the 'uid'-field to the field you want to, but this has not been tested).

Q: Warning: OCIStmtExecute: ORA-00910: specified length too long for its datatype in on line 95
A: PHProjekt does not support oracle version 7 or lower.

Q: I want to use the full mail client, but I cannot find him!
A: You have to have the imap extensions of php activated. Then you get the option to choose the installation of the full mail client in the setup.

Q: How can I include own modules?
A: This is quite easy: take the folder with all files (including an 'index.php') and place it into the folder 'addons' in the PHProjekt root directory. The name of your folder will appear in the navigation bar.

Q: Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) in /www/htdocs/phprojekt/setup.php on line 117
A: Your webserver can't establish a connection to the mysql database
Reasons: the database or the connection to it is down or broken, or you have the wrong parameters.

Q: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ocilogon() in /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/phprojekt/setup.php on line 119
A: Your current PHP does not support oracle. Solution: Linux: compile your PHP --with-oci8, Windows: get php_oci8.dll - and don't forget to uncomment the respective line in the php.ini

Q: After the login screen I get several screens, each with the login dialog :-(
(also named: 'four login screens')
A: Reason: The browser looses his session and therefore the server can't remember that you already logged in:
- Because of security reasons You have to enable cookies.
- Your php version is 4.0.0 or lower - the session maangement doesn't work properly here.
- The session are not properly stored on the server. (make sure that a session.save_path in the php.ini is defined and the webserver has read and write permissions for this folder)
An user reported this solution here: "set in the php.ini 'session.use_cookies' to 'On' and 'session.auto_start' to 'Off', viceversa you get stuck!"

Q: Does PHProjekt work with PHP3?
A: No way, sorry :-(

Q: Warning: crypt() is not supported in this PHP build in on line 174
A: You have a windows PHP version which does not support the command crypt.
-> take any other PHP version than 4.0.5

Q: Warning: Wrong parameter count for session_register() in on line 114
A: That's a bug in early PHP4 versions. -> use a PHP4 version 4.0.2 or higher

Q: Setup will always show me the first screen, I can't continue!
A: Have a look into the php.ini: the variable 'allow_call_time_pass_reference' must be set to 'on'.

Q: I have installed PHProjekt, but how do I get the languages set?
A: Go to the admin page to the 'modify user' screen: you can choose the language in the last select box.

Q: Warning: open(/tmp\sess_8e3f13497b89881b4f71e6beecadd6d3, O_RDWR) failed: m (2) in c:/phproject/admin.php on line 1
A: The path where your sessions are stored is not set properly. Edit the variable session.save_path in the php.ini

Q: I cannot up- and download files! The system tells me:
SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 911 is not allowed to access /var/tmp/gfd8sa owned by uid 3 in /www/htdocs/phprojekt/ on line 25
A: Your system does not allow that the webserver copies files from the tmp directory to the file directory specified in the config. -> ask your provider to turn off the safe_mode.

Q: My chat doesn't work!
A: The reason could be that your webserver does not have the privilege to write files in this folder.
Try 'chmod -R 777 'your phprojekt directory' - means, the webserver must have read and write privileges for the /chat directory.

Q: During the installation the following error messages appear:
user@linux:~/phprojekt-2.4 > setup.php
./setup.php: ?: File or list not found
./setup.php: //##: File or list not found
./setup.php: line 6: syntax error near unexpected token
A: Since PHProjekt is a PHP4 tool, it does not work from the command line.
The system requirements are a webserver with a php parser and a sql database.
Then You have to extract the files into a directory of your webserver and call the script setup.php via your browser.

Q: What should I prepare for an installation with postgres?
A: 1. create a database: createdb phprojekt This must be done as user postgres (su - postgres)
If this fails, it's very likely that postgres is not running properly. (/etc/rc.d/postgres restart for postgres restart)
2. create a user who also has a UNIX account, he must be identical with the webserver (often wwwrun or nobody) - createuser wwwrun
Give him the privilege to create tables
3. now insert the fields below with db_name = phprojekt and db_user wwwrun, mostly no password required.

Q: I tried an installation with postegres keeping in mind the above hints and it still doesn't work!
A: A user reported that in his case the postgres installation itself was bad! After fixing this everything worked out fine ...

Q: I'm trying to install PHProjekt with Postgres 7.1.2.
But I get this message: "Fatal error: call to undefined function pg_connect ..."
A: You forgot to compile PHP with postgres support!

Q: Do you have any hints for the installation with oracle?
A: First the compiling:
cd apache
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a
cd ../php
$ ./configure --with-apache=../apache --with-oci8=$ORACLE_HOME --enable-sigchild
make make install
cd ../apache # need to do it again..
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a
make install
Second the configuring:
Set the following variables before you start your Apache (Useful to insert the into the /etc/init.d/httpd script or /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl:)
NLS_LANG=HUNGARIAN_HUNGARY.EE8MSWIN1250 <- replace your country's settings!
With these settings phprojekt should work on Oracle 8.x or higher.
An admin reported that he got problems with long trigger names, resulting in an error for the auto_increment function. he recommend to shorten the trigger names to e.g. *auto_inc

Q: I have a MySQL-DB on my providers host which already has a table named users.
Is it possible to rename PHProjekt's table users to something else?
A: There is an article on the hoempage about a patch named 'prefix' which you can use.

Q: I am running suse 7.0, with apache and mod_php4, with mysql.
I created the blank database, got the permissions right, and ran setup.php.
I chose installation, and entered all my info, and what i got back was:
Sorry, it did not work!
Please fix it and restart the installation.

A: This message wants to tell you that your parameters are not set properly.
This could have several reasons Typical db access parameters are:
host: localhost
user: root
password: [no password]
database: [name of new blank db]

Q: After running the setup.php from the terminal line, I get errors like:
"Unexpected token on line 6" ... etc.
A: You need to have a working LAMP (or similar) configuration.
Place PHProjekt in a subdirectory of your e.g.htdocs dir
Then call the 'localhost' in your browser, search the PHProjekt dir and run setup.php

Q: After I run setup I get the next page with "Seems that You have a valid database connection!"
but after I submit I get errors, can't create table.
A: sorry but this check with the following message just covers a part of the conncetion test.
So it seems that it still cannot write the tables.
1. because no new database exists.
2. the webserver is not allowed to write tables into the db
3. the connection parameters are still not correct.

Q: Where can I find tutorials about installing a LAMP or WAMP system?
A: This page here has a list about available tutorials (german and english):

Q: When I try to upload a file, I get an error:
"Oops! Something went wrong ...
Please check whether the file exists in the target directory and the variable dat_rel in the config has the correct value
A: Please check whether this directory exists and make sure the webserver is allowed to copy the files from the tmp directory to this directory.
(e.g. the variable 'file_uploads' in the php.ini must be set to on and the variable upload_tmp_dir has to point to a directory where the webserver has write access))
Typical values for the variables $dateien and $dat_rel are:
$dateien = "/usr/local/httpd/phprojekt/file"; and $dat_rel = "file"; for Linux or
$dateien = "c:\htdocs/phprojekt/file"; and $dat_rel = "file"; for windows
Also make sure that the value of upload_tmp_dir in the php.ini points to an existing path where the webserver has read and write permission.
Some users reported that the donwload only worked after they changed the path in the variable $dat_rel from relative to absolute.
Another reaons could be that in the php.ini the value for 'file upload' is not set to 'on'. In this case change the value to 'on' :) up

Q: The file module doesn't work at all!
None of the mentioned hints helps ...
A: Two users reported that they got the file module working after they updated to PHP 4.0.4 or higher.
Another user changed the copy function
copy($userfile, "$dateien/$filenewname");
with the function move_uploaded_file($userfile, "$dateien/$filenewname");
Maybe this does the trick.

Another user reported that he had to empty the value of 'open_basedir' in the php.ini to get the filemanager work.

Q: I sent a mail via the mail module and I didn't get any error,
but the recipient never received any mail. What happened?
A: PHProjekt uses the built-in mail() function of PHP which accesses the mailserver of your system
(for Linux e.g. sendmail). Maybe this connection doesn't work.

Q: Do I really need an empty database to install phprojekt. Can't i use an existing one.
The tables don't interfere!
A: If you are sure that the tables which will be written do not have the same name as the existing tables, then you can use your existing database.

Q: I get the following errors after selecting modules:
An error ocurred while creating table: 'dateien'
An error ocurred while creating table: 'termine'
A: 1. You forgot to create a new, blank database
2. Your connection parameters do not work properly.
3. Your webserver does not have the right to create the tables
4. your database is not up and running
5. your RDBM (database system) is not compiled properly

Q: After installation on 'Project' the button 'New' does not exist or all fields are greyed!
A: Only users with 'chief' status can create new projects. Please use the admin just for admin duties

Q: I'm trying to configure the file system of PHProjekt.
The mysql server and the server with the PHProjekt files on it aren't the same.
Hence I can't configure the $dateien variable to correctly point to the file directory.
A: Right, this works only with relative local pathes, not with remote access.

Q: I have a WAMP configuration (with windows). How can I activate the mail module?
A: For windows you need a smtp server (e.g. hamster) to get the mail function of PHP running.
Other hint from an user: insert the mailbox account of your provider in the SMTP variable in the php.ini and your email adress in the line below.

Q: Upload works perfect using Files smaller than aprox. 2MB. Using bigger files leads to an error message.
A: Raise the value of 'upload_max_filesize' and 'post_max_size' in the php.ini to the desired maximum upload size.
If it still doesn't work, ask your system administrator whether he limited the size for file transfer

Q: Is there a way to limit the session time automatically?
A: Yes, raise the value of $session_time_limit in the config to the desired value [minutes]

Q: The installation on my oracle failed! the tables have been created but no default user
A: The reason could be that the triggers haven't been created. Please check whether the Server has the right to create triggers.

Q: [From the forum]Well there are a couple of days I try to setup the whole stuff, I am fed up with the same blank pages. What can I do?
A: I had a similar experience where I was able to use a new install of php4 and mysql to run other php scripts including Phpmyadmin, but Phprojekt would not establish a mysql connection. I got a lot of blank pages! The problem was solved by issuing a command in mysql granting global privileges to root: GRANT ALL ON *.* TO root;
It was weird because I was already able to access all the databases as root and also as another user without any password.

Q: There is a problem at the installation on an oracle db: none of the triggers in the database seems to work ! They all show as INVALID through the Schema Manager ...
A: Add 'declare' before 'BEGIN ... for each one of the triggers.

Q: I have a problem with email-Client and the file download. When I get an email with an attachment,
I get a white screen when I try to open the attachment.
A: I had a similar problem with email attachments - the mail would appear with the name of the attachment , but clicking on the attachment produced an error along the lines of \' panic - file not found \' or something like that.
The problem was resolved by changing permissions on the attachment directory (under the phprojekt directory) to give read/write access by the webserver - in my case this is the user \'nobody\', group \'nogroup\'.

Q: The chat donīt send msg in the installed Version on my machine? any idea?
A: The webserver (UID \'httpd\' or \'nobody\' or so) needs to have write permissions for the file \'chat.txt\'.

Q: I make my installation without any problem. but when I use the demo version available on the web page, mail module has a lot of customization like write, read, leave on server, folders, etc., just like a complete web mail package.
In my installation in the mail module all I get is a simple form to send inmediate mail. What's wrong...?
A: In order to run the full mail client, your php must have the imap extension of php active.
Your php does not have this library included, so the setup routine offered you only the module to send mails :-(

Q: when I call the setup.php file from a browser I get the following error message:
Warning: Failed opening \'/usr/local/hec/setup.php\' for inclusion (include_path=\'.:/usr/share/php\') in Unknown on line 0
what is wrong, what can I do?
A: The script is not allowed to include any files. This is essential to the function of PHProjekt
-> Have a lookinto the php.ini weather the safe_mode is turned on or the variable include_path has a specific value (should be empty)

Q: I've downloaded the latest version of phprojekt from the ftp site and I'm attempting to set it up.
When I call setup.php from a browser I get "Document contains no data" in Netscape and a blank screen in IE.
A: A hint from an user: "I had \"session.save_handler = user\" in my php.ini so that the webserver could run apache. Commenting that out and setup ran through correctly."
Another user reported that he setup PHProjekt on a red hat and he found out that he first had to turn off mod_layout for the PHProjekt directory to get it running.

Q: Everything is working except if you put a single quote in any of the fields I get an
unclosed quotation mark before the character string ')'. error.
A: Please change in the php.ini magic_quotes_gpc to 'on'

Q: How can I upload different files with the same name in multiple directories?
A: Activate the filename encryption via setup/configure.

Q: In the Online Demo i see a frame with folders, the possibility of new folders and so on.
In my PHProjekt installation I see only the window for new Mails. Why?
A: Your php does not have the imap extension, that's why the setup didn't offer you this option.
Required steps:
1. Activate the imap extension in your php (php_imap.dll) and check it via the phpinfo() function (One section in the output must deal with the imap extension)
2. set $quickmail = 1 in the
3. run setup/configure and set in the mail option a '2' - the system will install the required db tables.
4. create a mail account and test the full mail client

Q: Since I activated SSL, I cannot download files from the filemanager!
A: [From, the forum]: you can solve the problem by editing three PHProjekt(3.2) files:
filemanager_down.php, in the section "//set headers ..." uncomment the two lines containing "no-cache" and add the following line:
// header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
// header ("Pragma: no-cache");
header ("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0"); header ("Pragma: public")

vcard_ex.php should look like this:
session_start(); // remove the # in the original file
header("Content-type: text");
header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=$name.vcf");
header ("Pragma: private"); //add this line
csv_ex.php add the "private" line to the header section:
header("Content-type: text/csv");
header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=$file.csv");
header ("Pragma: private"); //add this line

Q: After the installation failed and tried to isntall PHProjekt once again but it asks me for an admin and password now!
A: Seems that a is already on your system - the script assumes that you want to update or anything else and asks for your permission :-)
-> delete the and try it again.

Q: I installed PHProjekt but when I call the index.php, the following error message appears:
"Warning: open_basdir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory..."
A: This is a security measure of PHP to prevent that any file from a directory which is not listed in the open_basedir parameter in the php.ini can be included.
Solution: Delete the value of the parameter open_basedir in the php.ini

Q: When I click on setup.php, my apache crashes with an error like:
The instruction at "xxxkjk" referenced memory at "0xxx". The memory could not be read.
A: It could be that you forgot to set a valid path for the variable session.save_path in the php.ini

Q: I have a question about PHP!
A: Probably the best place to start would be the homepage of the PHP group:
German portals are: Dynamic webpages and PHP Center
You can find extensive FAQ's at and (german).

Q: Is there a module that will allow receiving mail on standard POP (non-IMAP) servers? My current web host does not support IMAP
A: Often misunderstood: you need the PHP-extension (library) called imap. The module itself works with pop and imap accounts.

Q: After using the new version I get the message: "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1"
A: This fault is commonly caused by update PHProjekt without running the setup/update routine.

Q: I could install the tool with MS-SQL but after the login the system ssems to hang!
A: Change in the "$link = mssql_connect($db ..." to "$link = mssql_pconnect($db_host ..."

Q: I get this error when i try to run setup.php Warning: Failed opening \'/usr/www/webroot/\' for inclusion (include_path=\'.:/usr/local/lib/php\') in Unknown on line 0
A: solved it by giving ownership of all file and directories in the phprojekt directory to the wwwrun.nogroup , the user and group of apache

Q: After choosing oracle as the preferred RDBm and after filling out the form with the
required access parameter, the system hangs! What could it be?
A: I could solve the problem - an entry in PHP.ini like that was need. extension=php_oci8.dll

Q: I want to assign time to projects in the timecard, but no project appears!
A: the projects will appear on that day if:
- the project is set to 'working'
- start and end date must include the chosen day
- you must be a participant of this project
- you must have an entry in your timecard for this day
(for $projekte = 3 in the the last condition doesn't matter)

Q: I'm having a little trouble setting it up: "Database connection failed! Call admin, please"
A: The php script cannot connect to the database system. Please check whether the access parameters are correct, the database interface in php is compiled/installed and active and the db is up and running, and the user of the database has the privilege to create tables.

Q: I get a parse error in line yxz in script yxz!
A: Several users reported that they did not unzip correctly the file from the distribution package, so maybe you should check this first.

Q: I only can send small attachments (e.g. smaller 1MB). How can I change this?
A: Maybe the php parser has not enough memory to build the whole mail with the attachment.
Try to raise the value of 'memory_limit' in the php.ini.

Q: The Mozilla tries to download the calendar first as x-httpd-calendar :-(
A: Along with installing the Mozilla 1.0rc3 i, for the first time, switched on the advanced option "http-pipelining". This doesn`t work nice with the phprojekt, when turned off everything works fine again!

Q: I'm still facing connection errors with postgres!
A: Modify the files "lib/" line 110 and "setup/step2a.php" lines 43, 51 and 53 from:
$link = pg_connect((($db_host == "") ......
$link = pg_connect((($db_host == "" || $db_host == "localhost") .....
Postgres requires in case of "localhost" the host simply unmentioned in the connect-string.

another hint from an user:
Basically you must not enter a hostname if the database is on localhost. Seems to be a bug in php.
After I tried that I was prompted with a javascript error, which told me I had to enter a hostname so I opened the file lib/chkform.js and commented out the complete body of the function chkForm and added the line "return true;" Now I was able to install phprojekt.

Q: Is it possible to change the max_filesize given in the upload form?
A: Change the parameter 'upload_max_ilesize' in the php.ini to the desired value

Q: Running the index.php I get the follwing: "Warning: stat failed for ../../../ (errno=2 - No ..." what happens here?
A: Just edit the and change
if (is_readable("../../../")) include_once("../../../");
elseif (is_readable("../../")) include_once("../../");
if (is_readable("../../")) include_once("../../");

Q: Though the uploaded files are in the upload directory, I still cannot download them!
A: Turn off the mod_gzip compression, this can cause troubles during the file download.

Q: Running PHProjekt with SSL I cannot download any file!
A: A hint from an user:
use these headers in filemanager_down.php as IE gets confused with the default headers:
header ("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header ("Pragma: public");

Q: The eMail client of phprojekt has no feature to store which eMails are already loaded.
So everytime you ask for new Mails, the client gets all Mails on the POP Server.
A: Be aware that there are two links in the navigation bar. One link is called 'receive ...: and the button next to ot '... and leave on the server'. To delete mails which are already downloaded you have to use the first button

Q: There are some unexpected problems with some users, their records get mixed!
A: Please have a look whether the short name has a blank in it - this could be the reason.

Q: I don't see any body from a mail!
A: Users reported this behaviour and said they solved the problem by commenting the line with $body = eregi_replace("

Q: I changed the value of $quickmail in the config from 1 to 2 in order to receive mails as well, but I get a sql error message saying that some tables do not exist. What happened?
A: chnaging this calue is not enough, some database tables have to be created as well!
-> change the value back to 1 and run setup.php with the configure option. If the remark next to the mail module shows you a '2' to insert, then you are able to isntall the full mail client, otherwise your provider has to add the imap library to his php installation.

Q: Which file and folder attributes (or: permissions) does the webserver need?
- a file named which will be written during the setup on the PHProjekt root level
- the folders /chat, /attach and the upload directory (mostly named 'upload')

Q: Is there somewhere I can download a I still haven't successfully created one due to some weird error.
A: yes, here:
There you will find a dump of the database and a default

Q: The FAQ often refers to a 'php.ini', but I don't have access to this file
- how can I check the settings anyway?
A: Write a script with the following line:
and check the output of this script - it lists you all values of the php.ini

Q: I saw several bugfixes available for the current version - do I need to download them, too?
A: All bugfixes (until this moment of course) are included in the current download distribution, so you don't have to worry about older bugs and bugfixes. But in order to receive future bugfixes automatically you should subscribe to the bugfix newsletter of your version.

Q: I installed PHProjekt on an e-smith, but the file upload doesn't seem to work.
A: This hint here was posted on an e-smith forum (
"Have you disabled the PHP sandbox security that was introduced in SME 5.1.2. This security feature does not allow a PHP script in an ibay to access files outside of the ibay e.g your /tmp directory."

Q: Download of a file results in a 0 byte file! In the upload dir filesize is ok.
A: An user reported that it worked after turning off the 'safe_mode' restriction in the php.ini.

Q: I get the message: "Oops - can't find my session". What do I have to do?
A: a) session.save_path (in php.ini) has to point to a valid and existing directory like : "C:\PHP\sessiondata"
b) php must have access to the session.save_path. under winnt/iisthe user "iusr_host" must have rwxd-rights to - lets say - "C:\PHP\sessiondata"
c) anuser reported that in his case register_globals (in php.ini) has to be "on".


Q:Is it possible to send mail from a windows system without an own mailserver?
A:Do the following stetings in php.ini (example for t-online):
[mail function] ;for win32 only ;for win32 only
Be online! Than start the mail module (Caution: php.exe will hang if you are offline!!)


Q:I want to upgrade to Version 4.0 from 3.2 but I seem to have forgotten the root password. Is there a known way to recover this? Can I just go into the users table and delete the password entry for the root account?
A:if you disabled the password encryption - yes ($pw_crypt = 0; in the
In the case that the password encryption is enabled: Copy another known password in the database (table users, field pw) into the root record and then login with this password.


Q:While starting an update I get the infamous "PANIC! can't be written! ..." Changed the folder permission to 777. Nothing. What happened?
A:Changing the folder permission is not enough, the file itself has to have a mode which allows the webserver to rewrite this file. -> do a "chmod" on the file directly


Q:Interbase/Firebird: I observe problems with a charset!
A:An admin reported that one should avoid to define a charset definition within the database. He observed problems with the win1252 chrset.


Q:Running the file setup.php gives me this message: "Oops! Can't include or find the language files in the directory 'lang'! ..." But the file IS in it's right place! what can I do?
A:This is an incompatibilty between php 4.2.x and apache 2.x version. For a workaround see here


Q:Is it possible to use the apache version 2.0.43 (or similar)?
A:Generally yes but we observed a lot problems with the combination php4/apache 2.0.x at the moment (end 2002), so we strongly recommend to stick to the 1.3 version of apache.


Q:How do I perform an update?
A:PHProjekt has an automatic update routine. You have to distinct beween maintainance updates (a change in the version number at the third position, e.g. 3.2.0 -> 3.2.1) or an update or upgrade with enhanced features (e.g. 3.2 -> 3.3 or 3.3 -> 4.0). In the first case you simply have to copy the files over the old ones, int the latter case you have to run setup.php with the 'update to new version' option, the setup routine will do the rest.
Attention: always backup your system (= database and the whole directory) before an update! You can use the addon 'PHProjekt backup system' to manage your backups.


Q:After the upload, the uploaded file exists in /tmp but the copy routine fails!
A:Have a look into the php.ini whether the /tmp dir is indeed the upload dir! Otherwise you have to adjust this or create another upload dir with the path mentioned in the php.ini.


Q:I have problems opening and saving pdf files!
A:An user reported that after changing the string 'content disposition in the line 'header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name");' in the file filemanager_down.php from 'attachment' to 'inline', he was able to open them in the browser itself.


Q:In the forum on the PHProjekt homepage someone told me to raise the error reporting level to get an error message displayed. How can I do this?
A:Put a comment before this line in the index.php and lib/ error_reporting(0); by adding two slashes in the beginning of the line: // error_reporting(0); and remove these slashes in the next line: // error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); to error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);


Q:Do I have to setup the required tables in the database before the installation?
A:No, just create a new database, the setup routine will create the required tables


Q:During the setup I get this: "Session error! Please set the correct temp path in the variable session.save_path at php.ini" But there is a value in the php.ini!
A:Please ensure that: - this directory exists
- the webserver is able to read and write files there
- you wrote the path correctly, especially windows can cause trouble here (try all combinations like c:\tmp, C:/tmp etc.)


Q:During the setup I get this message: "Session error! Please set the correct temp path in the variable session.save_path at php.ini" But I don't know what to do!!
A:If you rent webspace at a provider tell him that the sessions of php4 don't work correctly and ask him to fix this. If you host by yourself then you have to find the php.ini on your system and set the path in the session.save_path to a directory where the webserver can read and write.

Another user reported that setting the sessiondata directory below the php directory for read and write permission for the webserver solved his problem. up

Q:Trying the database conncetion test in the test routine gives me a blank page! Any clues?
A:Many reasons could be responsible that the db test fails. this test simply checks whether there is an active connection to the given database. Please read the chapter 'database' in this FAQ for further hints. If the whole screen is blank then you should check whether your php has the support of your mentioned database system enabled att all. You can check this by running the phpinfo() function and see whether there is a section about your chosen db.


Q:I tried to install PHProjekt on redhat 8.0 but encounter problems - can anybody help me?
A:An administrator reported that probably the system installs itself without the mysql package by default. Have a look into the rpm list and -in case the entry is missing and you want to run PHProjekt with mysql- install the mysql rpm package
here is a posting in the forum which might help you as well:


Q:Is there any reason why the notification in the forum modules doesn't work?
A:Make sure that this feature is activated in the config: $forum_notify = 1;


Q:Each time I fetch mails I get lots of php source code on the screen. How can I get rid of it?
A:Replace in the first line of mail_list.php
with <?php


Q:I updated my webserver to apache 2.x and suddenly uploads beyond 500kB are denied! What happened?
A:Change the value of LimitRequestBody to i.e. 20000000 (default: 524288) in the apache config file /httpd/conf.d/php.conf


Q:I red about the option to have an export into a pdf file, how does this work?
A:Fetch the free pdf class from R & OS: and copy
- remove this line in class.pdf.php: "header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=".$fileName);"
- put the files class.pdf.php and class.ezpdf.php into the directory /misc and
- put all fonts into a new directory /fonts below the directory /misc.
At last activate the pdf export option in the by setting $pdf_support = "1";


Q:Though I'm sure the pathes in the are set properly I still get the message at the download: "panic! specified file not found ..." - what could be the reason?
A:Please check whether your webserver has the right to read and write into the uplaod directory - several admins mentioned that this was the reason of troubles.

